Tutvu Cybernetica tiimiga!

We have come a long way, but we are nowhere near the end of our story just yet. We have always been on the bleeding edge of new technologies and will continue to push the boundaries of what is possible.

Our story starts already in the 1960s – the Institute of Cybernetics, a research institution, was the predecessor of what today is known as Cybernetica. Currently we have 5 product and service development departments: Cybersecurity, Data Exchange Technologies, Digital Identity Technologies, Information Security Systems and Surveillance Systems Department. On top of that, we also have an in-house Information Security Research Institute.

A team that skis together, stays together.

Other outdoor sports are allowed, too. We also have a formidable board game community, at least 4 in-house DJs (that we know of!), a couple of resident artists and people that have big dogs, small dogs, cats, rabbits and chickens… In addition to fascinating characters, we also offer various benefits!